Get Involved
The experience of the American-Soviet peace movement may be useful to the citizen diplomats of today and tomorrow. We invite you to learn about our history, connect with us, share this resource with others, or — if you helped to make this history — contribute to our digital archive of video, photo, or print materials. Move with us!
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It takes time, effort, and money to run The video archive requires paid backup service separate from YouTube. Additional support would allow moving the site to a paid hosting account with expanded features, providing for a better browsing experience.
Contact Us
Drop us a line here and tell us what you think about this project or website, suggest a resource, or let us know if we can help in any way!
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The best way to receive updates about Our Move news is to follow our Facebook page.
Are you an activist, parent, teacher, or student, or do you know someone (individuals or associations) who might benefit from learning about the history of the citizen diplomacy movement during the Cold War for educational or community enrichment purposes? If so, please share this site on social media, and let us know how we could be of further service.
Contribute to the Online Archives
If you are interested in providing in-kind support by helping us collect relevant historical materials (like stories or photographs), please contact us and tell us what you would like to contribute. We will discuss how to make that happen your way and on your terms.
Advisory Service
Please contact us if you are interested in a sustained partnership with Our Move on individual or organizational levels. We are open to new connections and supporting shared goals through collaboration, education, and public service.